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August 21, 2024

The Best MCA Consolidation

If you are a business owner that is currently paying 1 or more Merchant Cash Advances, odds are you would be interested in lowering your payment sizes. Merchant Cash Advances are used as a quick fix for business working capital needs, but borrowing more than one simultaneously can mean a significant drain on operational cash. The quick payback of MCA loans mean that the business will need to commit to weekly or daily repayments, often a term of less than 12 months.

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June 11, 2024

Understanding How an MCA Affects Business Cash Flow’

Working capital is the lifeblood of a small business and without cash on hand a business will be hard pressed to operate. So, when a business takes on a heavy debt servicing program like an MCA, the business’ cash flow could be stifled. This debt servicing requirement is significantly increased if the business takes on more than one MCA.

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February 7, 2024

The New York Fed states that an increase in credit card delinquencies indicates "financial stress."

The Federal Reserve data shows surging credit card and auto loan delinquencies among younger, lower-income borrowers, signaling heightened financial stress even as total household debt rises.

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January 3, 2024

How to Get Out of MCA Debt

Merchant Cash advances are designed to be a short-term fix for immediate business cash flow needs. Most businesses understandably aren’t heavily capitalized, and owners usually don’t have a solution when they need money for their business. MCAs are a popular solution when immediate influxes of cash are needed to solve an immediate business problem or to enact on an immediate business opportunity. But what happens when today’s solution becomes tomorrow’s problem?

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January 2, 2024

Reverse Consolidation: How Does It Work?

Every business encounters the need for financial support, often resorting to debt financing for capital. Merchant cash advances offer a swift and convenient avenue to promptly acquire funds. For those navigating the repayment of a merchant cash advance, the concept of reverse consolidation becomes a valuable consideration. Whether you've utilized this financing method before or are contemplating its use, understanding reverse consolidation is key.

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October 2, 2023

Multiple Cash Advances - Consolidate them with a Credit Line or SBA Loan

Every client that applies with Reverse has one mission: Their goal is to lower the debt burden of multiple or many merchant cash advances. Most times we are able to successfully enroll a business into a reverse consolidation program. A reverse consolidation eases up cash flow restrictions from MCA debt servicing.

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March 3, 2022

How to Consolidate MCA Debt

When it comes to Consolidating Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) debt, you have 3 options. We have seen all sorts of businesses throughout the years, all with different amounts and positions of MCA debt. Each situation is different, but there is one constant trait; every business owner wants to get out of MCA debt! Here are the options that you have based on likelihood of approval and program quality, all of which don’t include debt restructuring (defaulting on the MCA funder).

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March 1, 2022

I have too many MCAs! What should I do!?

Every business owner has a reason as to why they needed to borrow a cash advance in the first place. Whether it be to pay off some bills, expand, use for payroll etc, but no one expects to get into a cycle of borrowing more and more expensive money

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February 15, 2022

Iron Capital Equities Launches Platform for Small Businesses Mired in Expensive Alternative Debt

Businesses need to consolidate high interest, high payments for MCAs, especially now since thousands of companies received MCAs after emerging from post-pandemic government-imposed lockdowns.

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February 12, 2022

How to get rid of an MCA?

Do you have multiple MCA’s? MCA’s can be a great fit for when you really need cash quickly, but most times business owners find out that the quick payback of MCA’s stifle cash flow. When someone wants to ‘get rid of the MCA’s’, what they actually need to do is ease up their cash flow drain. A Reverse Consolidation is the way out of feeling the pressure of MCA payments.

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February 11, 2022

The process of getting out of MCA debt

Odds are that you don’t want to pay off all of your MCA debt with your business cash, especially if you are feeling the cash flow crunch associated with multiple daily or weekly automatic payments. A traditional consolidation with a lender would mean that a funder would pay off all your existing MCA debt and then you would just have 1 payment. In the alternative lending industry this just doesn’t happen (explained below), but there is a process to exit the cash advance cycle that works!

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February 2, 2022

I have multiple cash what?

If you have multiple cash advances that you are currently paying, I can assume 2 things. You want to be paying less daily or weekly and you are confused with what your options are. 

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December 8, 2021

How to get lower payments and not default

If you have a Merchant Cash Advance, you are not alone…it’s estimated that nearly 1 million small businesses in America have had a cash advance. The quick access to cash and the ease of getting funded is a major reason why businesses take a cash advance. During the fast payback period, businesses can feel the pressure of lower cash on hand. Why consider defaulting if you can’t afford the payments? A Reverse Consolidation will lower payments and extend the term. 

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November 19, 2021

Why a Reverse Consolidation works

Many businesses who we meet are crushed with MCA debt. We’ve had clients with more than 10 MCA loans…at a single time! A Reverse Consolidation does work, because it solves the basic problem with paying many MCA’s at the same time. When your business cash flow goes to making MCA payments and not for running the business, a Reverse Consolidation is the perfect solution.

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American Small Business Owners are Loading up their Personal Credit Card Debt at an Astounding Rate, And this is Very Bad for Business

The inflationary environment that small business owners are encountering right now, means that their businesses are spending more for everything and this has a direct effect on credit approvals. Nearly half of small businesses (45%) identified rising costs as the biggest challenge facing them today. Business owner personal credit usage is compounding the ever increasing ‘credit crunch’ for small businesses.

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